Thursday, November 16, 2006


I have a penpal..FINALLY!I m damn excited abt the whole thn..i guess tat is wat make life worth living 4..when we hv somethn to live for,,we will hav the courage to live on tis complicated penpal is Lee,Ahree..a 16 year old gurl fr south korea..yea~I can finally practice korean wif her le..we tend to communicate thr snail mail..she will be sending mi letter by tis wk..the both of us r so so excited abt the whole thn..i guess tis ia wat make life different..the excitement of waiting for the letter..hav since brighten up my dae.. 3 more papers to go..and i m free,,>>jiayou!!! k history> should be 4 the past 4 brain is gonnag brust mani thn to rmb..tat i can since 4get abt tat thn.. i still prefer the traditional type of diary..i put all my feelings into it..where i write all my emo-tion into hav since accompany thr everydae of my life..almost 6 years already..i love it..jus simply love it >O

Sunday, November 12, 2006

My emo-tion

why the sudden urge to write abt my emo-tion..
haha,,hmm..i m back again..
just a few more daes..and i will b free of exams le..
isn't it glad..
by emo-tion now should be full of excitement n enjoyment..
however,,it is not so..
think euu should noe wat i mean..??
i think i m realli 哀 lol..
the exam is not a 'CHICKEN FEET" to moi..
it sucha torture..
nv mind blarx..i hv think of a way to overcome my fear..lessen the impact of crying le..

My decision now::
1]read my sci tb again n revision for it start once again..
why? so tat i will be able to do well nxt year..
this mean a re-take..
second>>when i get the result nxt year>mid FEB..I won't cry so much as i hv get use to the fact tat i won't do well..
accept tat the fact..and start all over again..

I m not been pessimistic..
i m jus accepting teh fact..
tis is jus moi when i hv no other choice..

i m gonna work soon..
rite after the exams..
haha..prom nite is cumin soon le..
but yet,,i m not feeling happy abt it at all..
maybe cos of my results..partly cos of another reason..
i m jus not feeling okay..

by now..i wanna find a pen-pal..
whoever wanna b my penpal..u'r mostly welcum to be one..
add mi at [ ]
kum sa hamnida~