Saturday, February 11, 2006

Dream VS Reality


does dream would reali become reality? do u believe in tis? i don..but i think it realli happen to mi..donnoe whteher it my confusion or it reallithe truth..if i would have a choice..i guess i would wish to stay in the dream really wonderful to be there..experiencing the \happiest thn ever before..where u would not be able to fulfill it in reality..sometime..i wonder??If it is the
wat will happened?//
won't it be a painful experience to mi..or to other..haha~ tokin crap again`
`..i realli a silly person..

The story began all over again.....


THE STORY of tis wonderful memories that i kept in my heart had fade the dae of separating..drifting further and further away fr mi..be4 i m able to get hold of it again..However,fr tis moment onward..THE STORY OF MINE bEGAN AGAIN RIGHT FR THE STARTING>>>>

[[I m not stupid too]]


todae went o watch [i not stupid too] at my opinion..i think the show is very interesting and of course funny..the ppl seating in the cinema kept laughing..but i think the part when chengcai's father died is realli very sad..cos when chengcai had realised his too late..his father had died!
after tat at 5 pm..went o support weilian[kelvin] autograph session..get to get him to sugn..he sang realli nice!! i will continuce to support him de..he had realli improved himself ina lot of ways..regardless his singing's style or his appearence..he does look nice in his person..and his singing can realli move a person's heart..i think tat is the way he win bahx..
anyway~i had realli a gd time todae..

Open-house of Agee An poly


todae..after skool..went to Agee Ann poly is at Bukit Panjang..took mi 1 hours to reach hm..the whole campus is quite big..lyk can get lost while touring around the place..there are 8 skool there..but i m more interested in film and media course and design couse is the only poly tat offer film production course..

i realli lost in wat to choose fr..there r realli a lot of courses to be pick..but i m sure i not gonna take science source de..cos i dislyk sci..
haha~ i guess i have to realli make a careful desision on my own..i don think i m goin to the i think i m not up to don think i will lyk Jc's life bahx..i heard fr my frend there..they say it very stressful..have to cope wif many subjects..=( plus..i don even lyk to keep on study deadly..

i wanna persue my dream..although i realli do wanna to throw the university graduate hat into the sky..i planned to study university maybbe after a few years oversea bahx..