Saturday, March 25, 2006
The "POWER" of "Winter Sonata"

i love tis show a lot..until i would watch the repeat again at 1.30 am on tv..sleeping at 3am..feeling sick the next day i wake up..the show is just abt a love story btw 2 person..they fall in luv with each other when they met at 18 years old..
however,something happen to the guy one day..he have met with a car inccident and was announced dead..soon after 10 years later..when the gal was abt to marry another guy..she saw a guy who look lyk the guy he had died..balrx blarx lolx
~however..the ending no very gd lol..the guy who she love did not died however have lost his eyesight..but lucky lol..cos the scripwriter was lenient..she did not let the guy died..if not..surely very sad least they are together..although he cannot see..but they r deeply in luv wif each other..
tis show have a lot of gd subtitles..such as:
"there is one person who live in a shdow land..with nobody talking to him..he feel so lonely"
"To 2 person deeply in luv wif each other,the lover's heart is the best house"and a lot a lot more..but i donnoe how to translate..:p
*\\Woodsville in memories//*

*I realli miss the days at woodsville pr.skool..where all the happiest r all there..if time would be able to turn back..i will treasure every moments there..i rmb one of the teacher there[Miss mandari]there..she is the one who hold on mi..she is the first person who do tat to mi..miss here alot..wonder how she is now??hope she 's fine..
~pic taken when the skool is gonna dismolised liao~
the best skool to be in..i think all the ppl who came fr tis skool before will surely agree wif wat i've said..we share the sm memories together.. 4ever :p
My Sis 9th BrithdaE..yupZ~

Her bRiThDae's CaKe..LOok yUmmY To Mi..a ChOcOlate fLaVouR ''_''
Happy brithday!!! SiS :p
and to dad toO..cos his brithdae fall on the 15th of we celebrate together on tis dae wif sis!!!!~~Yummy cake..i love the cream on the cake especially..waT a greedy miee..
Oooh..and a very "HAPPY BRITHDAY" to sharifah too..Frend 4eveR..chEEr* A sucess for "o" level exam..I will rmb tat we will persue our dream together de..and frendz 4ever 4 S.P.J.K!!!!