
The longest distance in the world is not between life and death , ..but is that I am standing in front of you. ; but u donnoe I love euu.
oh,gosh!! this is sad ya :-(
U love a person, but u can't spell it out..? The feelings is realli very hurt. He 's standing in front of u..yet, u r not able to tell him how much u love and wat u love abt him.
Do u noe? I hate to have tish type of feelings. It jus made me feel so emo--...^^ I hope tis will nv happen to me anymore.. do u noe how much courage tat we must have , in order to confess to tat special one..??
I am currently free from all tish of feelings.
I m glad to be wat I am. u can choose not to like me, but rmb tat u can't change the way I am. I am myself, the only one in tish world. hahas :)
Skool is damn stress for me. I feel so stress-up and sick of doing presentations everydae...PBL is so borning..espcially for science lesson. I used to hate science in the past. I even thought tat I won't have to study science anymore in poly. I guess I m just wrong in thinking so. Urgh!! it's terrible..^^ so tough..i don even noe wat it is talking abt?? my brain is lyk brusting soon..lols.
I donnoe y..? I used to be very healthy in the past.but now??...i always get headache often...i guess i m falling sick soon.SOON. I hate to be sick.. :(
I will try to blog often. hahas :)
Why do I always feel so isolated from the rest? I m getting sick of tis.
I gtg to bed...wat i need most now is just sleep and rest. :)
good nite!!^^
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